Approaching 1000

Over the last more-than-a-decade, I’ve submitted nearly one hundred stories to more than 150 different markets.  A bunch of my stories have been published.  Some of them haven’t been (yet).  And, of course, I’ve received a lot of rejections.  969 so far.

As I approach 1000 rejections, I’ve been thinking about the publishing process — what it costs and the benefits it provides.  I don’t intend to stop submitting my stories to markets that seem well-suited to them.  However, I also don’t see a reason to stay dependent on other people’s e-zines to make my work readable online. Continue reading “Approaching 1000”

Things you can run out of while looking for your missing cat:

* fliers
* tape
* staples (once you’ve upgraded from packing tape to a brand new staple gun)
* energy (for asking strangers if they’ve seen the cat and then talking with them about how you miss her)
* breath (for playing the ocarina she loves) Continue reading “Things you can run out of while looking for your missing cat:”