Tidbits from the Highest Heights of Word Count

Part of me wants my novel-in-progress to wrap up in the next 4k words, because then I’ll be done sooner; part of me wants it to drag out for another 11k, because I’ve never been this close to hitting 100k words before.

Hit 90k on my space opera novel-in-progress. Too tired for exclamation points. But yay. Continue reading “Tidbits from the Highest Heights of Word Count”

Tidbits from Hanging Out with a Four-Year-Old

GAH! I forgot to have the gravity change appropriately to match the scene change AGAIN. This problem is going to haunt me for as long as I write space opera, isn’t it?

Four-year-old: “We’re on an alien planet!”‬

‪Me: “Are they nice aliens?”‬ Continue reading “Tidbits from Hanging Out with a Four-Year-Old”

Assessing and Setting Goals at the Turn of the Year

Just broke 80k on my space opera novel-in-progress! That’s 80k in TWO MONTHS.

My accomplishments in 2017:

  • 3rd novel in my Otters In Space trilogy published by FurPlanet Productions
  • sold my novel The Snake’s Song to ShadowSpinners Press
    —sold 42 short stories, including 17 to Daily Science Fiction & 1 to Analog
  • wrote 80k of a novel in 2 months (that ties into all 18 of the pro-level story sales)

Continue reading “Assessing and Setting Goals at the Turn of the Year”

Different Kinds of Hauntings

We spent several years under the imminent threat that we’d have to sell our house and move to a different city. That’s over now, but I still regularly dream about unfamiliar houses that we’ve supposedly just bought. It’s an odd form of nightmare.‬

‪The four-year-old informed me the local park was haunted by a slimer, so I had to break out my proton pack and do some busting. ‬