My fiction may not be making the splash I wish it would right now.
But it will be remembered.
Because it’s good, and unusual, and there’s a lot of it. And something will catch, and I won’t stop fighting for it, even if I never see it happen.
An e-zine about spaceships, aliens, science, memory, motherhood, magic, and cats.
My fiction may not be making the splash I wish it would right now.
But it will be remembered.
Because it’s good, and unusual, and there’s a lot of it. And something will catch, and I won’t stop fighting for it, even if I never see it happen.
by Mary E. Lowd
Originally published in The Lorelei Signal, July 2021
Smoke rose from Tzora’s flared nostrils. Gray and pungent and entirely lacking in flame. Not a single spark. Not enough heat to rewarm a cold dinner roll, let alone toast her doughy, unbaked wings. Tzora huffed in disappointment, hoping her frustration would translate into a glowing ember inside her scaly nose. But no luck. She was still too young to breathe fire like her older sisters. And that meant she was still too young to fly. No one else would toast her wings for her.
Too young to toast, too young to fly. That’s what every Breadragon always said. Continue reading “Toaster Dragon”
by Mary E. Lowd
Originally published in Theme of Absence, June 2020
I didn’t cry. I didn’t flinch. I barely reacted at all.
Even the soldiers on the bridge — trained clones, grown in vats, raised to be soldiers — exclaimed in horror and shock. How could anyone order the destruction of an entire planet?
But Erith Danaya is more than a warlord to me. He is my father. Not the absent kind. He didn’t abandon me and my mother, though every day I wish he had. Continue reading “Dark Father”
The publisher I was hoping to land my sci-fi horror novel with says they’re not publishing things that dark. Given that I’ve had my attempts at writing horror be called “cute” before, this is new for me. It’s also pretty heartbreaking.
I’m trying to take comfort from the fact that this now means I’m probably 20k closer to finishing the sequel, as I no longer need to try to meet that publisher’s word count requirements. I’m much more comfortable working in the 30k – 75k range than trying to get up above 80k. Continue reading “Horror Too Dark”
by Mary E. Lowd
Originally published in Theme of Absence, January 2016
The salesman, Devin, shows me another junker — dented fender, bald tires, and a crack in the windshield.
“These cars look like death traps,” I say. “You don’t seriously expect anyone to buy them?”
Devin laughs, a hollow, plastic sound. “They’re all bargains!” He looks over his shoulder, back at the dealership building with a half-burned out neon sign, Bob Reaper’s Autos, over a window with venetian blinds. A gaunt man, probably Bob himself at a place this small, stares at us through the blinds. Continue reading “Dealership with the Devil”
There’s a new Danica McKellar Christmas movie!!!!
That’s exactly what I need today.
It’s called “Christmas at the Drive-In,” and the first few minutes are exactly what you’d expect. Continue reading “More Mediocre Christmas Movies”
The farther along I get in Dracula, the more I feel like it’s a crime how the 1992 movie wasted Winona Rider in a role she actually would have been brilliant at if it had been adapted better.
I’d really like to see an adaptation with that cast… but better. Continue reading “Many Scattered Thoughts on Stargate, Warcraft, and Stargate”
Achievement unlocked: ten max level characters in World of Warcraft!
I know they won’t be max level anymore come Tuesday, but for now, I have ten max level characters — warlock, hunter, druid, rogue, shaman, demon hunter, priest, mage, evoker, death knight. Continue reading “Ten Max Level Characters”
It’s mediocre Christmas movie season!
Starting off with “A Christmas Movie Christmas,” and it’s better than average! (If you haven’t watched a bunch of these things, you may not know where “average” falls.) Continue reading “A Christmas Movie Christmas & The March Sisters at Christmas”
Daniel and I were discussing maybe taking the kids on a trip to Hawaii, and the 9-year-old announced: “Why would you take me there? They don’t have internet!”
The kid course corrected pretty quickly, admitting they probably have internet, in response to our baffled expressions. Continue reading “Tidbits of Fiction, Reality, and the Space In-Between”