But you know how if you’re wading in the ocean and then like a surprisingly big wave comes and knocks you right in the stomach and knocks you all the way over and you’re tumbling in the surf trying to get the sand out of your mouth and…
…you know you’re not actually gonna get swept out to sea and drown and that you’ll just get yourself home and dried off and it’ll all be okay but also you’re gonna flinch every time you think of the ocean again forever because it was such a hard punch that stings so bad…
I know I’ll get home and get dried off and I’ll be okay. But I have sand in my hair and ears and everywhere and I’m so cold I’m shaking
I think I have a very busy and exciting year ahead. There’s a lot of work to do, but it’s work I’m going to enjoy doing.
I’ve just been dropped by FurPlanet and Argyll Books because of my support for AI.
I will be re-releasing all of the titles I have with them through Deep Sky Anchor in the next year.
Sometimes, you have to cry over something. And it doesn’t mean that you’re not okay or going to be okay. It just means that there’s something awful in your system, and purging it is like vomiting or having a fever. And the crying just has to happen.
That feeling when the sobbing is full on whole body sobs and it really does feel kind of like vomiting and you just have to believe it’s gonna be better with those people you already knew hated you out of your life.
Hey, everybody who’s been kind to me this week:
I just want you to know, I appreciate you all so much. So much. It has meant a lot. Even if it was just a little conversation about nothing much or a stray like on a post, it has been big and meaningful for me.
Thank you.
“I know my love should be celebrated
But you tolerate it”
— Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift really does have a lyric for every situation.
I lost a 12-book deal with a publishing house I’ve been working with for more than a decade today over my views on AI.
It’s heartbreaking. I’ve cried. I’ve screamed.
And now I’m going to put all those books back out into the world myself. I won’t let this stop me.
The thing about AI is that it’s the ultimate expression of furry.
Furry is all about anthropomorphism. Well, AI is anthropomorphism in its purist form. It’s like, what if we took ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and then made it human-like.
It’s furry raised to the power of furry.
My spouse watching me put together replacement covers for the first three Otters In Space at a rapid rate: “Whenever my publisher unpublishes me, I stop being unpublished and start being awesome.”
(This joke might only work if you watched How I Met Your Mother.)