The Best and Worst of Worlds

by Mary E. Lowd

Originally published in Dogs of War, January 2017

“Cats loved conquest; dogs needed adventure. But Cetazed otteroids were happy splashing about and playing.”

Five officers of the Tri-Galactic Navy and one exchange officer from the planet Cetazed teleported down to a clearing on Planet 328’s surface.  The cats and dogs of the Tri-Galactic Navy were good people, and Consul Eliana Tor didn’t regret leaving her homeworld to become an exchange officer.  Not exactly.  But she missed the flavor of the sunlight on Cetazed, and not only did her empathic abilities make her a fish out of water around these cats and dogs with their non-empathic minds, but they let her read the cats’ and dogs’ emotions — especially their feelings about her — constantly. Continue reading “The Best and Worst of Worlds”

Writing While Watching a Four-Year-Old

*summons the willpower and concentration to tune out the singing socks on Sesame St. and instead work on writing my Tri-Galactic Trek tale*

I’ve failed to tune out the Sesame St… This message is brought to you by the letter W and the number 0, representing my word count.‬ Continue reading “Writing While Watching a Four-Year-Old”

So Much Flash…

Reading these flash fiction stories will be more fun than falling into a supernova! Really! It’s not a high bar!

At the end of 2016, we had big plans for publishing a lot of flash fiction this year.  Well, we have good news and bad news…  Obviously, it’s September, and we haven’t published a lot this year.  However, that’s because the stories we were going to publish have instead been picked up by other markets — many of them by Daily Science Fiction! Continue reading “So Much Flash…”