We asked our readers what kind of story they’d like to celebrate Leap Day with —
- space chicken
- fox chicken
- chicken of the night
— and the answer was a resounding, “Bring it home to Earth! No more SPACE.” Continue reading “Leap Day Chickens”
An e-zine about spaceships, aliens, science, memory, motherhood, magic, and cats.
We asked our readers what kind of story they’d like to celebrate Leap Day with —
— and the answer was a resounding, “Bring it home to Earth! No more SPACE.” Continue reading “Leap Day Chickens”
by Mary E. Lowd
Originally published in Tails of a Clockwork World: A Rainfurrest Anthology, September 2012
Mice tell a myth of fearsome creatures with scaly talons, massively muscled bodies, and sharp, hooked beaks. Death from the sky, instant death, for any mouse foolish enough to be above ground when these creatures come hunting.
The name of the myth is owl, and few mice see one and live to tell the tale. Owls are creatures of shadow — both the shadows of trees in a darkening forest and the shadows of misremembered tales retold by forgetful minds. Continue reading “One Night in Nocturnia”
by Mary E. Lowd
Originally published in Dancing in the Moonlight: Rainfurrest 2013 Charity Anthology, September 2013
The eggs never hatched. Henrietta and all her coop-mates laid eggs every day, and every day the Coopmaster came and took the eggs away. No baby chicks. Henrietta had so much love in her feathered breast and no one to spend it on.
Only nine inches below the slatted floor of the coop, a cold and hungry litter of fox kits waited for their mother to return. One by one, the kits closed their eyes and fell into a patient sleep. Their breathing slowed. Their hearts slowed too. Still, the mother did not return. Continue reading “Fox in the Hen House”
We’ve received a special shipment — a Valentine’s Day present for you!
Today’s story is another furry sci-fi story set in the Wespirtech Universe. But this time, there are four different types of aliens! It’s a story of love and friendship, across species and among the stars. Please enjoy, Where the Heart Is.
by Mary E. Lowd
Originally published in Stories of Camp RainFurrest, September 2011
Any human in the room would have seen an oversized koala bear, a bushy red-wolf, a long-tailed, green lizard, and a large blue fish wearing a diving helmet, floating bizarrely above his barstool. But there were no humans in the room. It was the All Alien Cafe on the interstellar meeting point known as Crossroads Station. Continue reading “Where the Heart Is”
My two-year-old brought me a valentine… and then took it away and hid it in his toy cupboard.
Today we celebrate animal oracles and their whimsical capriciousness.
So, after you finish puzzling over a groundhog’s weather forecast, be glad that the groundhog is only forecasting the weather — not controlling it. In our newest story, Panda-Mensional, the pandas have more control than the main character would like.
Happy Groundhog Day from Deep Sky Anchor!
by Mary E. Lowd
Originally published in Neo-Opsis, May 2015
I point at the star map again, angrily saying, “Come on, Meijing! We only have a few hours of air left!” But the black-masked eyes blink at me impassively, profoundly uninterested in the yellow spot on the view screen under my fingertip. Continue reading “Panda-Mensional”