The more I watch people rage against AI art programs (which are fascinating and bring beauty into the world), the more amazed I am that humanity has ever made any forward progress towards improving our lives and world in any way at all. Continue reading “Forward Progress”
Author: marylowd
Being Special
I’m not sure there’s a more cynically toxic concept in existence than, “If everyone’s special, no one is.”
It’s pretty much the exact polar opposite of Mr. Rogers looking out from a TV screen and genuinely telling every person in the world how special they are to him.
For the Love and Accessibility
I would rather live in a world where everyone has the opportunity to express their heart and soul through art and has easy access to the kind of art that will most comfort and inspire them, even if the flip side is that no one is ever paid for creating art.
We live in a time when people fight tooth and nail to claim creating art is a JOB and a CAREER and needs to be PAID, and the idea that art is something people do just for the love of it… is anathema to that. Continue reading “For the Love and Accessibility”
Art Freed from Artists
As someone who’s lost friends over and over again and been hurt by everyone from complete strangers to the people I thought I was closest to…
The idea of being able to summon art for myself to enjoy that’s not dependent on the whims of an actual person behind it… is restful. Continue reading “Art Freed from Artists”
Plagiarism in the 90s
When I was a kid, I entered a county fair poetry competition. When I got to the fair, I excitedly ran to see what poem won — it was a total plagiarized ripoff of a poem from Calvin & Hobbes. I recognized it immediately. Clearly, the adults in charge hadn’t.
The problem isn’t AI. Continue reading “Plagiarism in the 90s”
Tribute to Rerun City
I love the album Rerun City by Reina del Cid, and I’ve been trying to write a novella inspired by it, off and on, for a few years.
However, the new AI art programs gave me a new way to express my love… Continue reading “Tribute to Rerun City”
So Many Stories
It’s a weird sensation having written enough short stories that I no longer instantly recall each of their titles, easily off the top of my head.
I actually have to go look up the titles… ’cause in my head, it’ll just be, “You know, that one with a forest fire and zombies…”
First Full Horror Novel
I think… I’ve written 3400 words today… also, full draft achieved!
The first full draft of my sci-fi horror novel is done!
Time to go back down to the beach and join my family in making s’mores.
I have now written an entire horror novel. That’s pretty exciting.
I have plans for two sequels, which will hopefully bring it up to a trilogy by the end of next year.
I’ve already written a sci-fi trilogy, fantasy trilogy, and furry trilogy. (Though, they’re all kinda furry.)
Robots Singing Happy Birthday to Themselves
More than a year ago, I emailed myself a link to a recording of the Curiosity rover singing Happy Birthday to itself on Mars. I meant to save it a week, and listen to it on my own birthday… but I forgot.
So, I kept it in my inbox ALL YEAR, planning to listen to it this year… Continue reading “Robots Singing Happy Birthday to Themselves”
Playing with Plushies at 40
Me: “Look, I wrapped a scarf around my plushie in a way that makes her look like she’s wearing a dress!”
Spouse: *reminds me that I’m now 40*
This is how to be 40. Play with stuffed animals. They’re fun and cuddly and look good wearing scarves. Continue reading “Playing with Plushies at 40”