Yasper and the Afterparty

I don’t know if I have the energy for it, now that I’ve waited until it wouldn’t be outrageous spoilers… but I have THOUGHTS and FEELINGS about how The Afterparty turned out.

The Afterparty is a show that I’ve ended up with incredibly mixed feelings about. Like… it was super fun to watch, and I kind of can’t deny that it was really well done… Continue reading “Yasper and the Afterparty”

Highest Aspirations

“If there were a TV show you could have written for… which one would it be?”

Obviously, Deep Space Nine.

When I was in high school and DS9 & Voyager were on the air, they were still open to looking at freelance scripts. My mom told me that, yes, if I wrote one, sent it, and got invited to join the writers room, she’d move down to LA with me so I could. Continue reading “Highest Aspirations”

The Wonder Years and Copyright

I grew up watching The Wonder Years, and some years ago, I wanted to be able to share that show with my spouse.

It wasn’t available. Why? The songs and copyright.

The songs in The Wonder Years — and they had so many good songs; they’re such a part of the texture and meaning of the show — hadn’t been purchased with DVD or streaming rights in mind or somesuch. Because of course, DVDs and streaming didn’t exist when the show was made. Continue reading “The Wonder Years and Copyright”

Giraffes, Back to the Future, and Furry Planning

I have a lot of respect for giraffes, because I find having a human neck to be challenging and painful enough. They walk around their whole lives with ridiculous giraffe necks and somehow get by anyway. That’s just damned impressive.

We’re watching Back to the Future, ‘cause the younger kid doesn’t remember it. And we decided to play the game of “Who would they cast for a reboot version?” Continue reading “Giraffes, Back to the Future, and Furry Planning”

The Inspiration Behind “Lizard Talked to a Porcupine”

The eight-year-old was complaining about their homework, which just involved writing down one thought about something they’d read in class.

They claimed to have no thoughts on it. Whatsoever.

So I asked what it was about. Continue reading “The Inspiration Behind “Lizard Talked to a Porcupine””

Nine Ursa Major Nominations

This year, I received nine nominations across four categories—more nominations than I’ve ever received in a single year before. Probably more nominations than anyone has received in a single year before.
It also brings me up to a total of 52 nominations across the last 11 years.

Let’s talk about these nominations. Continue reading “Nine Ursa Major Nominations”