Tricks and Gimmicks

I’m trying to work out a schedule for the book I’m writing, and my desire to finish the book soon is very much in conflict with my desire to not require myself to write very many words per day.

I’ve been kind of floundering with writing this book, and I think it’s partly because I thought I could rely on the same strategies as I used for the previous book in the trilogy, which I wrote last fall. Continue reading “Tricks and Gimmicks”

The Dad in The Mitchells vs. the Machines

I wish I could have enjoyed The Mitchells vs. the Machines. It spoke directly to me in so many ways, mirroring little pieces of my own life and family.

But by midway through, I could barely stand seeing the dad onscreen. He treated Katie with such utter disregard and disrespect. Continue reading “The Dad in The Mitchells vs. the Machines”