The three-year-old, gesturing to his feet: “See, look at my feet. I have some.”
Author: marylowd
Pancake Joke
The three-year-old has decided that “I like pancakes” is the funniest joke ever. He says it over and over to himself in different voices and cackles with hilarity.
I’m No Superman
The three-year-old, delighted by the Scrubs opening credits music: “I’m no Superman either! Because I’m Spider-Man!”
If Only I Were a Crystal Gem…
The three-year-old while watching Steven Universe: “I love to be your kid, but I don’t have a gem to make magic. So I can’t hop into a bubble.”
Turkey Feathers and Sleepover Negotiations
Three-year-old finds feathers.
Me: “Those are probably from the turkeys.”
Three-year-old: “Oh, do they need them back?” Continue reading “Turkey Feathers and Sleepover Negotiations”
Bits and Tidbits
Special challenge of reading furry slush: if the characters’ species aren’t identified right away, is that an oversight or because they’re human?
Just taking a moment here to acknowledge: I would be totally lost without everything I learned from Star Trek. Continue reading “Bits and Tidbits”
Foolish Threat
Overheard while trying to sleep…
3-yr-old: “Don’t talk to me or else I’ll eat this!”
9-yr-old: says something
3-yr-old: “Augh! Now I have to eat this!”
More Important Than Friendship
People keep posting stuff about how they’ll stay friends with others, regardless of political differences. Here’s what I think about that:
When the political difference of opinion has to do with whether other people should be free to exist, then it certainly is worth ending friendships over. Protecting the basic rights of all people — including LGBTQ folk, Muslims, black people, Hispanic people, women, and people with disabilities — is more important than civility. It’s even more important than friendship.
Alas, No
The nine-year-old, looking confused and troubled, “But I thought Nazis were, like, hundreds of years ago.”
Ducks and Planets
Three-year-old: “The big bad duck lives in the woods!”
Me: ?
Three-year-old: brings me a stack of books, flips through the pages, and says on each page, “This is not the big bad duck!” Continue reading “Ducks and Planets”