I tried to go to bed but had to get up and read the wiki page on pandas instead.
Author: marylowd
Suddenly, for no apparent reason, the child started crying. I asked what was wrong, and she said, “I don’t like salad.” (There was not a salad in sight.)
So Much Writing
I’ve written 20,000 words of “Learning to Live and Love In a Dog’s World.” Yay for NaNoWriMo!
Leveling Up?
I seem to be writing two novels simultaneously. And seriously considering starting a third…
Novel Prep Looks Like…
…researching dog and cat breeds for Nanowrimo.
Context is Left as an Exercise for the Reader
It is standard practice to approximate dogs as spheres.
DS9 vs. B5
Having finally watched all of Babylon 5, I’m finally qualified to hold the opinion that Deep Space Nine is better than Babylon 5. (And it is.)
I’ll even take it a step further: Farscape’s better too! And, possibly even Stargate: SG-1. Though, that wouldn’t be worth getting into a holy war over. (Note added 14 years later, after watching all the way through Stargate a second time: yes, it would.)
Continue reading “DS9 vs. B5”
Prepping for Star Trek Online LAN Party Weekend
I carry a phaser in one pocket. And a tribble in the other.
Good Little Star Trek Fan
I spent my evening sewing tribbles.
We’ve decided that Miral Paris should be our babysitter. She doesn’t do much else while we’re fighting off Orion thugs and brutes in Star Trek Online.
Half of a Polite Conversation
I finished season 3 of Babylon 5.
I like it… But, it’s less self-analytical than DS9. The Minbari religion goes largely unquestioned. Whereas, the Bajoran religion was held up against scientific knowledge, and the characters were forced to grapple with questions of what it meant when science did not (or, more interestingly for examining the concept of faith) did agree with their religion. Continue reading “Half of a Polite Conversation”