The more I watch what’s happening and see the parallels to things that have happened in the past, the more it looks to me like the tumultuous, negative aspects of AI being introduced into the world of art and writing were unavoidable, because it’s about people fearing change. Continue reading “People Fear Change”
Author: marylowd
Professionals Steal Outright
by Mary E. Lowd
Artists making art
For the right reasons: Continue reading “Professionals Steal Outright”
Partings Ways with the FWG
I haven’t posted about this much, because in the scheme of things, it’s small. But I fought for The Furry Writers’ Guild to be a democracy years ago.
But this year, they’ve enacted an anti-AI policy without a vote and kicked me out summarily because of my stance on AI. Continue reading “Partings Ways with the FWG”
New Editions of Otters In Space!
A River Otter Visits Strawberry Fields Forever
Let me take you down, Cause I’m going to…
What if a river otter happened to stroll on by… Continue reading “A River Otter Visits Strawberry Fields Forever”
A River Otter Visits an Octopus’s Garden
I’d like to be…
It’s the same octopus. It just changed colors when its friend the otter showed up. Continue reading “A River Otter Visits an Octopus’s Garden”
by Mary E. Lowd
Written on Twitter, 12/18/2023
There are tiny birds
In the leaf-barren trees
Outside my window
Standing Right Back Up After the Wave Knocks Me Down
But you know how if you’re wading in the ocean and then like a surprisingly big wave comes and knocks you right in the stomach and knocks you all the way over and you’re tumbling in the surf trying to get the sand out of your mouth and…
…you know you’re not actually gonna get swept out to sea and drown and that you’ll just get yourself home and dried off and it’ll all be okay but also you’re gonna flinch every time you think of the ocean again forever because it was such a hard punch that stings so bad… Continue reading “Standing Right Back Up After the Wave Knocks Me Down”
Projecting a Cold, Empty Heart
A couple times in my life, I’ve had men say to me that they wondered whether I cared about anyone else at all. And it’s such a deeply weird thing to say to someone. Who doesn’t care about anyone else at all?
In retrospect, I guess I kinda have to wonder if they were projecting.
It’s a pretty big red flag. I don’t really see a friendship coming back from that.
Remembering Gravity
Gravity continues to be the hardest thing for me to remember to mention in my sci-fi…
As such, I’m going back and adding references to and description of the low gravity on the back of the world turtle in earlier chapters of this Tri-Galactic Trek novel that’s almost done.