Between Projects

I finished the Tri-Galactic Trek story I was working on last night! So, that means I can release COLLIE COMMANDER next month, but it also means I have to decide what I’m working on next…

I have several projects already underway that I could go back to, but I might want to do NaNoWriMo, which would mean sticking to shorter projects for the next two weeks. And I do have a lot of short stories I could be working on… Continue reading “Between Projects”

Nexus Nine – Chapter 12: Resolved

by Mary E. Lowd

An excerpt from Nexus Nine.  If you’d prefer, you can start with Chapter 1 or return to the previous chapter.

“Mazel had never actually seen the chip that had become part of her brain before — it had been removed from Darius’ brain and put directly into hers while she’d been unconscious on a medical bed.”

In the morning, Grawf walked with Mazel to the medical bay, by way of Scharm’s Bar where they each had a bracing mug of hot jumaria nectar.  Once Mazel felt good and jittery from the jumaria nectar, she figured she was ready to face Doctor Jardine — who probably didn’t need jumaria nectar to feel energetic.

When Mazel hesitated outside the doors of the medical bay, Grawf put a giant paw on the small cat’s shoulder.  She didn’t say anything.  They hadn’t talked about Mazel’s fear, uncertainty, and general quandary since their brief conversation aboard Star-Skipper 1 the night before.  Sometimes, it helps more to spend time with someone and not talk about your problems.  Just take a break from them. Continue reading “Nexus Nine – Chapter 12: Resolved”