Fiction by Mary E. Lowd Published in 2023

This has been a busy year, and I’ve had a lot of fiction published — 3 novels, 3 novellas, a short story collection,  23 short stories, and a poetry collection. Except where marked otherwise, pieces were originally published in Deep Sky Anchor or by Deep Sky Anchor Press.

Everything on this list can be read for free online at the links provided, except for You’re Cordially Invited to Crossroads Station and Hell Moon.

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Powerful Magic

Oh god, that feeling when you’re trying to illustrate a story you wrote about one of the biggest heartbreaks in your life, but you rewrote it to have a happy ending… and when DALLE3 finally gets the illustration right, you just burst into tears because… look at it. Look at that moment in your life, all fixed, all better. And it’s just so powerful to see it there in front of you like that. Continue reading “Powerful Magic”

Moving Forward, Moving Up

One advantage of having FurPlanet/Argyll unceremoniously dump twelve of my books back in my lap is that I’ll be able to start looking into advertising my books sooner. I don’t have to wait for Deep Sky Anchor to build up a catalogue of its own first now — it just inherited one.

My goal with advertising will just be breaking even. What I’ve always really wanted for my books is just for people to read them, so I’m really just trying to find more readers. That’s why I’m working on releasing serialized web versions that can be read for free too. Continue reading “Moving Forward, Moving Up”