The six-year-old has made New Year’s resolutions.
He has resolved to make me take him to the trampoline park and the wave pool. Continue reading “Parenting and Resolutions”
An e-zine about spaceships, aliens, science, memory, motherhood, magic, and cats.
The six-year-old has made New Year’s resolutions.
He has resolved to make me take him to the trampoline park and the wave pool. Continue reading “Parenting and Resolutions”
This is obvious, but sometimes obvious things need saying…
In Star Wars, the rebellion is antifa.
The good guys. The heroes. They’re antifa. Continue reading “Stray Thoughts While Rewatching More Star Wars”
My childhood was perfectly framed by the Star Wars original and prequel trilogies — I was taken to Return of the Jedi in the theatre at 10 months old and promptly fell sleep when Jabba came onscreen; Phantom Menace came out when I was a senior in high school. Continue reading “Star Wars”
Watching Phantom Menace when you’re the same age as Natalie Portman playing Padme: What is this nonsense? She’s a grown woman, and Anakin’s a baby; how could they possibly EVER be romantically involved?!!
Watching it 20 years later: They’re both tiny babies. Continue reading “Preparing for “Rise of Skywalker””
For all of his preaching patience to Luke, Yoda isn’t a very patient teacher.
Watch Luke’s face when he’s looking at Han in the first half of Empire Strikes Back — total adoration. Continue reading “Tidbits from Rewatching a Bunch of Star Wars”
We gave the six-year-old a scooter for Christmas. This seemed like a reasonable choice.
But today… they’re designing a whole new house that they want to build for it, centered around a scooter cabinet, and a few blocks away. Their plans involve taking our refrigerator. Continue reading “Scooters and Rabbit Cookies”
Sometimes you can be a 10x better parent if you can just get away for two hours and write 1000 words about having adventures on a spaceship.
Taking melatonin, because Christmas morning is basically a different time zone.
The twelve-year-old: “My acapella group is doing a Pentatonix song.”
Me: “Oh? Which one?”
Twelve, sings: “Taaaaaake oooooon meeeee!” Continue reading “Pentatonix Cover of “Take On Me””
Maybe it’s just the random sampling I’ve happened to select this week, but as a genre, Christmas movies do not seem to make a strong argument for spending time with family.
“Therapy is for people who want to be in each other’s lives. We don’t have that problem.” Continue reading “Fred Claus”
That feeling when you’re just so glad that your dog is feeling enough better to bark his head off at the vacuum cleaner, even if it does make the house very noisy.
Okay, so neither of them is good, but…
Deck the Halls >>>> Christmas with the Kranks