Mom: Here’s your tea
My brain: tea schmea
Me: Why brain?
My brain: brain schmain
Me: touché
Category: Blog
Tuck Everlasting in Every Form
Inspired by recently watching the movie from ’02 and then listening to the Broadway soundtrack, I reread Tuck Everlasting today. And all three versions of that story — original book, movie, and musical — are solid.
Backwards Plans
I made a very careful plan for this afternoon — “I SHOULD edit my story, but instead I’ll probably play World of Warcraft.” Several hours later, somehow I’ve edited my story and played zero Warcraft…
Very Good Dream
I dreamed that the Tenth Doctor was ecstatic to meet me, because I’m his favorite author. So, thank you for that, sleeping brain.
Chekov’s Winged Otter
My critique group seems to believe that if there’s a winged-otter in the first act, it will be explained in the third. (a.k.a. Chekov’s Winged Otter) Unfortunately, that’s apparently not necessarily how my stories work… Because winged otters?
Relative Leveling Speeds Changing Over Time
The Horde alt I started a few months ago is now the same level as the Alliance main I’ve been playing for more than a decade. I’m not sure what to make of that.
Toy Restaurant
5-yr-old: “Can we go to a toy store?”
Me, trying to redirect: “We were thinking of going to a restaurant for dinner.”
5-yr-old: “A… toy restaurant?”
Thoughts from Watching Tomorrowland
If I had watched Tomorrowland when it came out, I absolutely would’ve gotten myself a red NASA hat. I guess, by coming to it late, I’m saved from having a hat I can’t wear.
I wish this went without saying but it really, really doesn’t — not only does Tomorrowland center on a little girl robot & teenage girl chosen one, it does not sexualize them AT ALL. Think about that — girl robot & girl teenager who are allowed to simply BE AWESOME. Continue reading “Thoughts from Watching Tomorrowland”
That feeling when you’ve almost worked through all of the novel critiques you’ve received, and then one of them says, “Do a global search for ‘that’ and delete as many as possible.” And it turns out there are more than 1000 of them in your manuscript.
My writing progress so far tonight:
–arrange toys around my computer
–scroll through twitter
–google galaxies
–tweet about googling galaxies
–describe a planet as being like a honeydew melon bobbing on the ocean
That’s a good amount of work, right?