The six-year-old: “We should make gingerbread men!”
The twelve-year-old: “Gingerbread PEOPLE.”
Me, a furry: “Anthro gingerbread.”
An e-zine about spaceships, aliens, science, memory, motherhood, magic, and cats.
The six-year-old: “We should make gingerbread men!”
The twelve-year-old: “Gingerbread PEOPLE.”
Me, a furry: “Anthro gingerbread.”
There is such an immense difference between knowing your dog will die — eventually, as all dogs do, probably even sometime in the next five years — and thinking that your dog will die sometime in the next few days.
I am so glad to have returned to the former state. Continue reading “Tidbits About Dogs, Reading, and Movies”
Here’s the thing about Howard the Duck—as far as I can tell, people must mostly hate it because they’re squicked by the very tame human/duck romance, because it’s otherwise a pretty standard 80s movie.
BUT that duck is WAY nicer to the human lead than any of the human men are. Continue reading “Howard the Duck”
The kids have invented a game — climb into a dark closet, assemble a costume by feel, and then come out dressed in an amusing mix of over-large coats, mismatched shoes, scarves, gloves, and whatever else they can find.
There is laughter coming from the closet.
That feeling when you can’t seem to get a prescription refilled because your pharmacy says to contact your doctor and your doctor says to contact your pharmacy.
The paternalism of having to get a doctor’s permission every single year to keep using a drug that you’ve been using for many, many years is deeply insulting. Continue reading “Overly Controlling System”
—A Very Corgi Christmas
—Four Christmases
—Love the Coopers
—National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
The middle two were actually good which is a pretty good hit rate for random Christmas movies. Continue reading “Christmas Movies I Watched Today:”
The twelve-year-old has been watching classic Twilight Zone episodes in their dramatic literature class:
“They seem to either be very scary or pretty boring.”
The more I learn about people and the world, the harder it is to ignore that a lot of my favorite music (60s pop/rock) is just whiny men writing hateful Reddit screeds complaining about women… but with soaring falsettos, driving guitar, and a catchy beat. Continue reading “Silence is Golden”
One of my kid’s friends told their parent they’re an atheist & their parent told them to never tell anyone because they’d be shot in the street.
Noelle (2019) is the new best Christmas movie. It has much the same energy as Elf (2003), but starring the amazing, awesome Anna Kendrick. Totally delightful.