The freshly shorn mop dog thinks back on the horrors she has seen today — razor, scissors, nail clippers — it is too ghastly for words, and she has no words, only a memory of her matted, tangled locks.
Category: Blog
Tidbits of Diablo, Mandalorian, and Parenting
There’s a vendor in Diablo 3 who says, “That’s too expensive,” if you accidentally click an extra time when buying from her, which happens often.
And every. single. time. I hear in my head, “Much like six eggs.”
The mop dog gets very cuddly when there’s thunder. Continue reading “Tidbits of Diablo, Mandalorian, and Parenting”
Two Wolves, Hamilton Edition
The twelve-year-old: “So… you have two wolves inside you… one of them is Alexander Hamilton and one of them is Aaron Burr.”
Sustainability of Short Fiction Magazines
There’s a conversation going around about how short fiction zines are generally not actually financially self-sustaining.
My personal favorite solution? Universal Basic Income. Continue reading “Sustainability of Short Fiction Magazines”
Post Con Crash
That feeling when going to bed is too hard because your toothbrush is buried in a suitcase, and the suitcases are all on your bed. So you curl up next to one of the suitcases, check your phone, and groan at the idea of being up in eleven hours because that’s just too soon.
Flying Back from Midwest Furfest
Time is always confusing, but it seems to be especially bewildering while flying west across time zones. Continue reading “Flying Back from Midwest Furfest”
The Dread Georgette
The necromancer in Diablo 3 periodically announces to the demons you’re fighting, “YOUR DEATH NEARS!” Except, one time, I misheard it as, “GEORGETTE NEARS!” and now I can’t un-hear it.
This Georgette though sounds awesome.
Linear Time
Things that felt like they were happening right now, now feel like they happened a long time ago. And yes, that’s pretty much the definition of living in linear time, but it’s also super weird.
Advice About Steak
The six-year-old is improvising a song about how if you want to carry steak around with you, you should store the steak and a steak knife in a bottle of steak sauce.
It is vaguely to the tune of “Everything is Awesome.”
Highest Principle
The first question to ask when planning a story: what if the main characters weren’t human? Would it be better? Because, I mean, PROBABLY.
Interestingly, the conversation that inspired this post wasn’t about furry fiction, but simply brainstorming a sci-fi story that ended up possibly making more sense with aliens than humans. Yet, the observation couldn’t really have been more on brand for me.