Team George

I’ve re-watched all of George’s bits in the previous seasons, and he’s the only logical choice for a guy for Rebecca to end up dating. #CrazyExGirlfriend #TeamGeorge

This is a conclusion I’ve come to both from a fannish shipping which-guy-do-I-like-best? direction and also as a writer analyzing the show’s story structure. And if my theory is right, the creators have planned all along that Rebecca will end up dating George. Continue reading “Team George”

Fatherly Approval, Writing, and Frogs

Today’s Doctor Who made me realize I should write frogs more often.‬

My novel-in-progress is now the fifth longest thing I’ve written, since it just passed up “In a Dog’s World” in length.

My father-in-law saw the news about me being a Guest of Honor at next year’s Midwest FurFest and called to tell me how impressed he is. I don’t talk to my own dad… so, this was really nice.

Snippets from Near the End of NaNoWriMo

The 5-year-old insisted on listening to Little Shop of Horrors during the drive to his first dentist appointment today.

I’ve started writing characters with zhe/zir pronouns in my fiction, and while the initial transition was difficult, I got used to them surprisingly fast, and now it feels ridiculous that people don’t use them all the time, because they’re just so extremely useful and elegant. Continue reading “Snippets from Near the End of NaNoWriMo”