Flip the Table

Based on how people react to me — and have done so for my entire life — I seem to have big “I’m gonna flip this table!” energy.

I have literally never flipped a table. But at some point, I can’t be expected to completely and utterly obscure my desire to go around flipping them.

There are a lot of tables desperately in need of being flipped in society. Capitalism. Antix-vaxxer nonsense. Forced-birtherism. Etc.

Flip! The! God! Damned! Tables!

So yeah, I walk around with a lot of anger in me. My life would be more pleasant -for me- if I didn’t.

But when I’m boiling over with rage and using all of my hard-earned masking skills to hide that rage or display it in only socially acceptable ways…

It’s hurting me more than anyone else, and compassion is more helpful than condemnation.

And while I’m absolutely responsible for my actions… another person’s ability to sense my rage through my mask doesn’t mean I’m wrong for being filled with rage. And reasonable actions do not become unreasonable just because they’re enacted by someone who’s experiencing anger.

Practical upshot here is: I really, really wish I was allowed to be as angry as Roy Kent without constantly getting tone-policed, wrist-slapped, and generally punished for it.

Let women be angry. Let autistic people be angry. (& other marginalized groups.)

Anger isn’t a crime.

The problem with being expected to bite your tongue all the goddamn time is that eventually the blood burbles out of your mouth, and people blame you for the words you didn’t say anyway.

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