I played Magic: The Gathering for the first time today in about 25 years. A quarter of a century. Wow.
We taught my kids and mom to play, using a special kit of five balanced starter decks. Amazingly, everyone had fun. We don’t usually all like the same game like that.
I’m really looking forward to seeing if the kids get really into Magic. I think they might, and I wouldn’t mind that at all.
I really only played with my sister and two friends in high school. When we all went separate ways to college, that era came to an end.
A new casual group to play with would be nice.
Clearly, I’m a very, very casual player when it comes to Magic. I really hate assembling decks—trying to balance it all so it will work well together. But I love the cards and enjoy the actual gameplay a lot with the right friends.
It’ll be fun to pull out my old Magic cards at some point and play with them again. I remember being very fond of some of those cards, and a lot of them are just downright beautiful.