Partings Ways with the FWG

I haven’t posted about this much, because in the scheme of things, it’s small. But I fought for The Furry Writers’ Guild to be a democracy years ago.

But this year, they’ve enacted an anti-AI policy without a vote and kicked me out summarily because of my stance on AI.

Yes, I did make a post — one post — about autism that made some people uncomfortable, but it was based on my personal experiences as an autistic person and actually complimentary, suggesting that autistic people are more likely than average to create art.

My post about autism was clearly a thinly veiled excuse for kicking me out for my vocal positive view of AI.

I don’t want to get involved. I’m moving on.

But if you’re in the Furry Writers’ Guild and don’t want it to be a petty, cliquish club… you should know what happened.

I devoted more than a decade to promoting, furthering, and improving the Furry Writers’ Guild. I helped establish the Coyotl Awards and ran them for eight years. I’ve spent my own time and money on the FWG, because I believed in it.

But… I won’t be promoting it anymore.

Again, I don’t want to get involved in fixing what’s happened. I have other things to do.

When it comes to furthering furry writing, I still believe in that and can do it in other ways. For instance, I’m still running Zooscape.

But the FWG seems to have lost its course.

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