Frogs don’t tap dance on whales’ heads.
Author: marylowd
This year is brought to you by the word ADVENTURE. Oh, you wanted to stay home and drink tea? Too bad. ADVENTURE.
Hope is the Thing with (Plastic) Wings
Hope is not a canary. Hope is a plastic yellow bird that refuses to die even when the mine is filled with methane and carbon monoxide.
Panda Soccer
If a panda was really small and trying to hide, it could pretend to be a soccer ball. Save the pandas, stop playing soccer!
Unpredictable Muses
Well, I’ve done a lot of writing tonight. None of it was on the stories I planned to work on. I wrote about butterflies and bears instead of squirrels and cats.
Tidbits from the Life of an Author Who Writes About Otters
Every video confirms it. Otters sound like squeaky toys. I wish I’d known that ten years ago before I’d written two books about otters.
Research: watching videos of squirrels and looking at pictures of submarines.
Baking a vegetable casserole from the Redwall Cookbook, randomly in the middle of the night.
World History 101:
Ch. 1 – Dinosaurs
Ch. 2 – Dogs and Cavemen
Ch. 3 – Cats and Pyramids
Ch. 4 – Knights and Dragons
Ch. 5 – Ben Franklin and a Mouse
Ch. 6 – Dancing Hamsters and the Internet
Twenty Questions
Playing twenty questions with Elaine — the answer turns out to be a Rapunzel cat, which she just made up. Yep, she’s my daughter.
And now the answer to twenty questions is Dazzle Drop –a magical gumdrop that unicorns eat. Elaine is just like me.
Writing and Parenting Tidbits
Research: watching videos of Venus fly traps.
Being an editor is weird. It feels like the world has been turned upside down. Continue reading “Writing and Parenting Tidbits”
Big news: I’m the new editor for ROAR, FurPlanet’s in-house general audience furry anthology!!!