by Mary E. Lowd
Entire world
Whole vistas
That would take lifetimes to explore
And more Continue reading “World in a Droplet”
An e-zine about spaceships, aliens, science, memory, motherhood, magic, and cats.
by Mary E. Lowd
Entire world
Whole vistas
That would take lifetimes to explore
And more Continue reading “World in a Droplet”
My 16-year-old, after accidentally pouring half a shaker of blue sugar on the floor while decorating a gingerbread house:
“Usually the dogs are idiots because they lick the floor. Right now the dogs are idiots because they’re not licking the floor.”
The Grumpy Cat Christmas movie would be fairly generic trending toward especially mediocre, except it’s furry. There aren’t enough movies about cats, & Aubrey Plaza’s snarky voiceover interruptions along with Grumpy Cat being waved around really elevate it to something… special. Continue reading “Grumpy Cat and Multiple Jack Frosts”
by Mary E. Lowd
Sparkling and green
Elegance supreme
This fine cat’s facets
Reflect every aspect Continue reading “Emerald Cut Feline”
Otter Claus knows what you want for Christmas.
I watched “12 Days of Giving,” because it has Eli Wallace from Stargate: Universe in it. He was just as charming in a mediocre Christmas movie as in the far reaches of space, and it was a surprisingly nice little movie.
Rationally, I know I’m better off on my own than saddled with a publisher that didn’t reply to emails, delayed my books by years, and would end 12 years of working together with a curt email and zero warning. Continue reading “Tidbits of Surviving a Weird Time”
by Mary E. Lowd
Originally published in All Worlds Wayfarer, Issue XII, September 2022
Eggshell cracked, and the dome of the world broke away, showing a whole other world, infinitely larger and more complicated, beyond the confines of the duckling’s natal home. It was time to lift her head — breaking the eggshell further, widening the crack in it — and then spread her wings, shaking out the scraggly, wet feathers plastered to her dimpled skin, letting them begin to dry into soft, yellow down. Continue reading “Stranger Than a Swan”
by Mary E. Lowd
Originally published in ROAR 11, July 2022
The thing that surprised Lora most about being an otter was that her face was round, and her nose was round. Everyone thinks of otters as long. With their sinuous spines, like weasels and ferrets, they’re big ol’ fuzzy noodles. But when Lora looked at her face — round. So round.
When Lora had been a cat, her face had been full of corners and edges; triangular ears, articulated muzzle; even the shape of her eyes had been filled with crescents and sharpness. Continue reading “Octopus Ex Machina”
by Mary E. Lowd
Originally published in The Lorelei Signal, January 2023
Franzi swung her long, giraffe-like neck from side to side, surveying the tightly filled shelves of the grocery aisles on this asteroid shop-mart. There were too many brands of jangleberries to pick from — she didn’t know which kind she’d like best, and somehow, the existence of so many brands made her feel like she shouldn’t have to settle for anything less than her absolute favorite type of jangleberry. Continue reading “Too Many Jangleberries”
by Mary E. Lowd
Written on Twitter for Threads, 12/21/2023
Math is the underlying structure
Order, not imposed
But inherent
Intrinsic Continue reading “Math & Art”