AOL’s Star Trek Chat Room

Somehow it never occurred to me before today that I can just search “Star Trek” on Twitter, scroll through the results, and find totally random people to talk to about Star Trek.

Twelve-year-old me — who was heartbroken when my parents quit AOL (which charged by the minute) because I’d racked up $300 in one weekend on hanging out in a Star Trek chat room before they’d realized — would be THRILLED. Continue reading “AOL’s Star Trek Chat Room”

Two Ways to Gender-Flip Songs

When I was a kid, I loved the beginning of Adventures In Babysitting where Elisabeth Shue dances to the Crystals’ song “Then He Kissed Me”:

I also loved The Beach Boys and was excited to find they’d covered the song “Then He Kissed Me”… but bewildered by the way they changed the lyrics in gender-flipping it to “Then I Kissed Her.” Continue reading “Two Ways to Gender-Flip Songs”

2020 Awards Eligible Work by Mary E. Lowd

This is my round-up of original fiction I had released this year.  I’d be honored if readers would consider these works for award nominations, but I’d also be really happy if people simply read and enjoy them.


My novel ENTANGLEMENT BOUND was published by Aethon Books in December, 2020. Continue reading “2020 Awards Eligible Work by Mary E. Lowd”

Misspelling Cardboard and Remembering Frank Sinatra

That feeling when you turn on an album you haven’t listened to in a while and realize you first got hooked on it when you were three years younger than your elder kid is now.

As it turns out, when I can’t remember anything useful, my brain is still storing a ton of lyrics to Frank Sinatra songs that I listened to repeatedly when I was ten but haven’t listened to for possibly a decade or two. Continue reading “Misspelling Cardboard and Remembering Frank Sinatra”