The Forgettable Quality of Death

It’s kind of upsetting how easy it is to forget which people—who aren’t in your immediate circles—have died. I think I figured once someone died, your brain would pull up a sort of “404: File Not Found” error when you thought of them as a reminder… and this is not the case. Continue reading “The Forgettable Quality of Death”

Ideas for Star Trek Shows

No matter how much I love Picard, it’s hard to get over the sequel to an ensemble show w/a diverse cast being about only the white male lead.

All the women & PoC in ST: Picard don’t change that the show is kinda saying, “White men are special; women & PoC are replaceable.”

To be clear, I’m not really critiquing any of the content within the new show… more just the fact that Picard is treated like he’s more important and more worthy of a new show about him than Troi, Geordi, Crusher, Worf… Or literally any women or PoC from previous Trek shows. Continue reading “Ideas for Star Trek Shows”

When Star Trek Lurched Back to Life

Watching Star Trek: Picard makes me wrestle with the fundamentally temporal nature of existence more than I’m comfortable with.‬

Star Trek is a universe where the clock stopped nearly half my life ago. Sure, there’ve been fits & starts—a handful of movies, flash forward clips in prequels, and a lot of delving into the past. Continue reading “When Star Trek Lurched Back to Life”