The Modern Dorian Gray

What’s that? What am I up to? Oh nothing. Just binge-watching hours of Living Single and getting all worked up about a conflict that happened between fictional people back in the nineties. As one does.‬

‪I’m tired of being sick… I need a painting of myself that I can put in a closet, and it can get sick for me. And—why dispute the classics?—it can also get old. And if I ever get famous enough to have twitter trolls, the painting can have those too.‬ Continue reading “The Modern Dorian Gray”

Finishing Entangled Universe #2

At 86k words into this novel, it has become extremely clear that I’ve been flat out lying to myself all week as I promised, “Oh, it’s almost done, only a few more words; it can’t be MUCH longer than 80k.”

I seem to have a formula for how I like to end novels…

First, minds blend together, allowing for enlightenment. Continue reading “Finishing Entangled Universe #2”

Ideas for Star Trek Shows

No matter how much I love Picard, it’s hard to get over the sequel to an ensemble show w/a diverse cast being about only the white male lead.

All the women & PoC in ST: Picard don’t change that the show is kinda saying, “White men are special; women & PoC are replaceable.”

To be clear, I’m not really critiquing any of the content within the new show… more just the fact that Picard is treated like he’s more important and more worthy of a new show about him than Troi, Geordi, Crusher, Worf… Or literally any women or PoC from previous Trek shows. Continue reading “Ideas for Star Trek Shows”

Trying to Finish My Longest Novel Yet

That feeling when you’ve spent months tossing balls in the air—in the form of subplots & character arcs—and now they’re all coming down, but they keep hitting the ground in the wrong order and bouncing away so you have to chase after them, and it’s supposed to LOOK ELEGANT.

I’ve written 200 short stories & a half dozen novels… but I’ve only written a novel longer than 80k once before, and tying up all the threads of a piece this large into neat little bows, without getting them tangled up in each other, seems to be a skill all of its own… Continue reading “Trying to Finish My Longest Novel Yet”