I’ve started listening to Nothing Much Happens stories to help me fall asleep at night. They’re lovely and full of sensory details that help lull my brain into settling down and letting go of consciousness. Highly recommended. https://www.nothingmuchhappens.com/
Category: Blog
Cocoa and Star Wars
Me, trying to decide which movie to watch tonight: “Coco or Star Wars?”
Six-year-old: “Cocoa with Star Wars? We can drink cocoa and watch Star Wars???” Continue reading “Cocoa and Star Wars”
Different NaNo
According to my schedule, I’m a full month ahead on the novel I’m writing, so I’ve decided that the skill I’m going to focus on improving for #NaNoWriMo is being healthy about my writing — continuing to make, ideally, daily progress, but at whatever pace makes me happiest.
Better than Daylight Saving Time
I’m not a fan of “spring forward,” when everything starts an hour earlier in the morning, but the free hour for “fall back” is awesome, so here’s my plan:
We get an extra hour in the middle of every Saturday night, & days just rotate slowly forward.
Sweet Spooky Treats
This year, Furry Book Month crept up and surprised us, so we didn’t have anything prepared. However, now that we’re down to the last day — which is also Halloween! — we have two new furry stories to present, and since one is about a haunted cafe and the other about a werewolf in space, we’ve packaged them up with two new ghost stories to create a spooky Halloween issue! Continue reading “Sweet Spooky Treats”
Halfway on Entanglement 2
I hit 40k on the sequel to my space opera novel just in time for #NaNoWriMo!
Based on the schedule I originally drafted, I’m now far enough ahead on my novel that I could take all of November off. Sort of like an anti-NaNoWriMo. (Ha. Right. Like that’ll happen.) Continue reading “Halfway on Entanglement 2”
Trick-or-Treating as a Parent
The best houses trick-or-treating are the ones that ask whether the parents would like a candy too. I mean, sure, I can buy my own candy, but it’s much more fun receive it as a quest reward.
Bladerunner 2049
I’m watching Bladerunner 2049, and even though it’s only two years old, the premise feels as dated as if it were from the early 80s.
Gee, I wonder why that could be… Continue reading “Bladerunner 2049”
Current mood: raging cauldron of bees
Desired mood: placid frog on a lily pad
Path between moods: 404 not found
Joke Telephone
The 6-year-old: “Want to hear a joke? Why did the golfer wear two pair of pants? In case one got a hole!” Followed by delighted cackling.
Me, having trouble listening: “What? A mole wearing pants?” Also delighted cackling.