Spent the evening at a long table of writers, sharing treats, listening to stories, & reading a story of my own, all while dressed as a Ghostbuster.
Category: Blog
Laughing Ivy
The three-year-old, on a walk, beating ivy with a stick: “The leaves are laughing at me!”
Learning from Social Media
People joke about how political posts never change people’s minds, but it was several articles that I read — linked to from Facebook — that persuaded me to support Clinton over Sanders.
Tidbits from a Difficult Day
To continue trying to sleep — brain buzzing with unwanted thoughts — or to give up, get up, and force the thoughts out by reading?
Today is a day for listening to the soundtrack of Wicked. Continue reading “Tidbits from a Difficult Day”
Evil in Your Heart
It is possible to have good in your heart and inadvertently do great evil; it is also possible to have evil in your heart but choose to do good. We can control our actions, but we cannot always control what’s in our hearts. Everyone makes mistakes. Is it worse to make a mistake if you have evil in your heart? If people see the evil in your heart and are scared, is that a mistake? Is it a crime? If you have evil in your heart, must you live in fear of ever being known?
Last Week of Furry Book Month!
Heading into the final week of Furry Book Month, we have a special treat for you: a Tri-Galactic Trek story.
“Danger in the Lumo-Bay” and, in fact, the entire Tri-Galactic Trek universe was inspired by a slush reader for an unnamed furry noir anthology commenting that he hoped someone would submit a Picard-in-the-Holodeck story. Once the image of Captain Picard — re-imagined as a Sphyx cat — was in my head, there was no getting him out. I had to write that story. Continue reading “Last Week of Furry Book Month!”
Fish Water, Yum
Why is the three-year-old crying? We won’t let him drink the water that we’ve prepared for the fish tank. He wants fish water.
Furry Book Month — Week 3!
We’re over halfway through Furry Book Month — have you been getting your reading done? Or are you frozen in the headlights of just how many furry books are out there? If so, don’t fear! We have some recommendations to offer. Continue reading “Furry Book Month — Week 3!”
The Little Prince
The three-year-old carries a paperback copy of Atoine de Saint Exupery’s The Little Prince everywhere. He can’t read it, but he’s seen two movie versions and tells detailed stories about all the pictures.
One of the Catchiest Songs Ever
Three days ago: I haven’t heard the theme song to Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego in years – how fun!