First Full Horror Novel

I think… I’ve written 3400 words today… also, full draft achieved!

The first full draft of my sci-fi horror novel is done!

Time to go back down to the beach and join my family in making s’mores.

I have now written an entire horror novel. That’s pretty exciting.

I have plans for two sequels, which will hopefully bring it up to a trilogy by the end of next year.

I’ve already written a sci-fi trilogy, fantasy trilogy, and furry trilogy. (Though, they’re all kinda furry.)

Robots Singing Happy Birthday to Themselves

More than a year ago, I emailed myself a link to a recording of the Curiosity rover singing Happy Birthday to itself on Mars. I meant to save it a week, and listen to it on my own birthday… but I forgot.

So, I kept it in my inbox ALL YEAR, planning to listen to it this year… Continue reading “Robots Singing Happy Birthday to Themselves”

The Otter’s Mermaid

by Mary E. Lowd

Originally published in Furry Trash, December 2018

“He wanted Angelica always by his side, and that meant she would need to walk on land. Arlow would build his mermaid legs.”

The air turned salty in Arlow’s whiskers as he pedaled his watercycle out of the shade and protection of the thick rainforest trees.  He squinted down the river, but he couldn’t see the ocean yet.  The river curved around rolling grass knolls and disappeared behind a thicket of coastal brush.  Arlow pedaled harder with all four paws and felt the cool water slip even faster around his body, pressing his clothes against his fur. Continue reading “The Otter’s Mermaid”

My Magic, My Spell

by Mary E. Lowd

Originally published in Abyss & Apex, January 2020

“But you didn’t ask. I didn’t give permission. You pulled the spell straight out of my body, and then you used the spell you’d learned earlier that night — the one that would let you keep it.”

You stole a piece of my power from me. And it took me fifteen years to recognize it.

We were acolytes together, studying under Mage Dawlins. I studied ice magic. You studied fire. And Tilly was studying flora spells. She is part of this. She always was. We both loved her. No, I’m giving you too much credit. I make that mistake. I’ve been making it for years. It’s a hard habit to kill. Continue reading “My Magic, My Spell”

The Were-Raptor and the Seamstress Robot

by Mary E. Lowd

Originally published in Daily Science Fiction, July 2020

“”You only get one wish,” the genie said. “You touched my lamp at the exact same time, so you have to share it.””

Angie and Tyler’s hands touched the green-gold brass of the magic lamp at the same time.  The metal was slick with creek water, and they had to dig away the mud and wet moss that had half buried the lamp using their bare hands.  Their fingers smeared the mud, leaving their hands and the lamp dirty.  Someone must have thrown it into this creek, deep in the woods, years ago. Continue reading “The Were-Raptor and the Seamstress Robot”