The City In Your Toaster Oven

by Mary E. Lowd

A Deep Sky Anchor Original, December 2021

“…she worked fast, chipping at the bread with her chisels, carving her predetermined pattern into its doughy grain.”

Warm buttery crumbs flaked off the toasting bread and sprinkled down to the diminutive city built on the metal tray below.  Gooey cheese dripped off the sides of the horizontal toast.  Metallic creatures — ant-like with their half-dozen legs and expressive antennae, but tiny, so tiny, ant-sized to an ant — scurried back to their minuscule buildings, seeking refuge from the reeking rain.  Later when the fallen scraps had cooled, foragers would gather them up and the city would feast on bread and cheese. Continue reading “The City In Your Toaster Oven”

Heading Home after a Perfect Morning at the Beach

Unlike all my previous Shelties, Avery LOVES balloons. She likes chasing and punching them with her nose, and if they pop sometimes, the noise doesn’t bother her.

This was my morning: watching fluffy white clouds drift over the fluffy white waves, under the awe-inspiring curve of a rainbow, all from the soothing warmth of a hot tub, as cool breezes played in the air. Continue reading “Heading Home after a Perfect Morning at the Beach”

Why You Might Like My Books If You Like (or Wrote) the October Daye Series

I’m up to the 13th October Daye book, and there are all these octopus people and the main character’s closest relationship is with a cat fairy, and she hates water but keeps getting stuck in it…

And if you’ve read my books, you may be seeing some overlapping themes… Continue reading “Why You Might Like My Books If You Like (or Wrote) the October Daye Series”

Watching Folklore: The Long Pond Studio Sessions

I’m watching Folklore: The Long Pond Studio Sessions, and of course, the music is off the charts amazing. But also… my god… listening to Taylor Swift talk about being afraid the label wouldn’t want her album… being afraid other musicians wouldn’t want to work with her… Continue reading “Watching Folklore: The Long Pond Studio Sessions”