Selling and Signing So Many Books

By the end of Rainfurrest: I met all kinds of amazing people and had the most fun I’ve ever had at a con! I got to be on panels with Alan Dean Foster; I had a chance to pitch my latest novel to a publisher; “Otters In Space” and the Rainfurrest anthology both sold out; and, I had to keep a pen clipped to my badge so that I could keep up with all the requests to sign things!

Kipper in a Box

Apparently, when I get stuck — as in, make negligible progress for most of a year stuck — on “Otters In Space,” my solution ends up being to stick the main character in a box. Maybe when I’m writing OiS3 and get stuck around the 30,000 word mark, instead of banging my head uselessly against it for a year, I can skip straight to having Kipper hide in a box and keep writing.

DS9 vs. B5

Having finally watched all of Babylon 5, I’m finally qualified to hold the opinion that Deep Space Nine is better than Babylon 5. (And it is.)

I’ll even take it a step further: Farscape’s better too! And, possibly even Stargate: SG-1. Though, that wouldn’t be worth getting into a holy war over.  (Note added 14 years later, after watching all the way through Stargate a second time: yes, it would.)
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