Writing While Watching a Four-Year-Old

*summons the willpower and concentration to tune out the singing socks on Sesame St. and instead work on writing my Tri-Galactic Trek tale*

I’ve failed to tune out the Sesame St… This message is brought to you by the letter W and the number 0, representing my word count.‬

On the bright side, Tina Fey is dressed as a pirate and singing about books?

The four-year-old says he’s a chef at a restaurant for dinosaurs and people.‬

The dinosaurs want milkshakes.‬

The four-year-old: “I cooked for seven years, and it was very hard, and I cooked every day and became a famous chef!”‬

The four-year-old has hired Spider-Man as a waiter.‬

The dinosaur restaurant has been beset by ghosts. So the four-year-old has become a part-time chef, part-time ghostbuster.‬

The four-year-old has only the essentials in his backpack: “…ghost trap, blaster, a bow tie for when I want to be the Doctor…”‬

I’ve been given a blaster and conscripted into fighting ghosts.‬

Now the four-year-old has me watering the ghosts to turn them into bad cats who want to scratch you, but when you run away, they turn into nice turtles…‬

The four-year-old made me promise I would stay up late fighting monsters to keep him safe before he agreed to go to bed.‬

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