So, ghosts are real. I never would’ve predicted 20 years ago that I’d be haunted after my grandmother’s death by emails from her. I don’t believe in hell, and yet I think I do believe there’s a special level in hell for spammers.
Weirdest Nutcracker
I saw the trippiest version of The Nutcracker today. It featured such surprising musical choices as “Paint It Black,” “White & Nerdy,” and mice doing the Thriller dance to “Bad” in a weird Michael Jackson mash-up.
The Snake’s Song Accepted by ShadowSpinners Press!
Today started with REALLY good news. I think I’ll just quietly bounce off the walls with happiness until I can announce the details, probably later today...
Okay… here we go…
Continue reading “The Snake’s Song Accepted by ShadowSpinners Press!”
Successful Writing and Fearful Dogs
My novel-in-progress is now the second longest thing I’ve ever written!
I just broke 70k on my space opera novel-in-progress!!!!!!!!!! Continue reading “Successful Writing and Fearful Dogs”
Summer Every Year
4-yr-old: “We should go to the fair again.”
Me: “The fair happens in the summer.”
4: “Will there be any more summers?”
Me: “Yes, there’s one every year.”
4: “Oh!”
Learning About Government
We’ve started watching Parks & Rec from the beginning with the kids, and at the end of every episode, the four-year-old is aghast that they haven’t gotten the new park built yet.
Authors & Artists Fair 2017
Crunching the numbers when I got home, my array of furry books sold as well at the Eugene Author & Artist Fair today — a non-furry event — as on the Saturday of Furlandia last year. That’s pretty amazing — we are taking this tiny sub-genre mainstream!
Obvious Effects and Less Than Obvious Predictions
Okay, listening to the Crazy Ex-Girlfriend soundtracks lifts my spirits IMMENSELY.
The four-year-old says that he thinks Santa will give me a tyrannosaurus and a Halloween calendar for Christmas Eve.
Many, Many, Many Mediocre Christmas Movies
Apparently it’s time to watch through the movies that pop up when I search “Christmas” on Netflix and find out which ones are only mediocre and which ones are extremely mediocre.
So far, “A Christmas Prince” is EXACTLY what the title suggests. (I enjoyed it.) “Christmas Belle” is terrible. And “How Sarah Got Her Wings” is kind of amusing. Continue reading “Many, Many, Many Mediocre Christmas Movies”
Scattered Tidbits
My fish does a happy spinning dance when I feed him a blood worm.
Milo, an intellectual: “Deep down inside, we’re all cats, right?”
Otis, a dog: “Deep down inside, I’m a dog.” Continue reading “Scattered Tidbits”