Pegacornus Rex

by Mary E. Lowd

Originally published in Daily Science Fiction, September 2014

“Mom! I made myself a birthday present!”

Marla realized that she’d left the 3-D printer running.  She’d been up late synthesizing a chef-bot she’d found the pattern for online.  Sure, she could have just baked the damn cake for Leia’s tenth birthday party herself, but the chef-bot would do a better job.  And it was programmed with the recipe for homemade hard candy — she could put that in the piñata she’d printed up. Continue reading “Pegacornus Rex”

Fluffy Fellow

It’s hard to capture in pictures, because part of the magic of a Sheltie’s grin is how flickering & changeable it is, responding to every detail of the world around… but Cole started the day scared to leave the place he grew up & ended the day ECSTATIC.

Cole was like a kid on his first day at college tonight, blown away by his new freedoms. He could hardly believe that he could be IN the house and ON the couch and stay up until ONE AM! Continue reading “Fluffy Fellow”

The Relentless March of Time Measured in Shelties

We’ve been looking for a Sheltie puppy since my 11-year-old Sheltie, Quinn, died two months ago. The prospects… are very uncertain. However, we’ve located a 1.5-year-old Sheltie we can adopt, from a breeder who we’ve adopted an adult from before.

We get to meet him tomorrow!

That feeling when you’re excited to meet your new dog… but also sad, because the very idea of a new dog makes you miss your old dog.