Journey through all the stories in Deep Sky Anchor chronologically, experiencing them in the order they were written in…
- The Genetic Menagerie
- The Opposite of Suicide
- Rekindle the Sun
- The Faithless, the Tentacled, and the Light
- My Words Like Silent Raindrops
- “Viewers Like You”
- The Parable of Two Queens
- Of Behemoths and Bureaucrats
- Forget Me Not
- The Screen Savior
- The Canoe Race
- Panda-Mensional
- Fetching Asteroids
- Hot Chocolate for the Unicorn
- Foreknowledge
- Lunar Cavity
- St. Kalwain and the Lady Uta
- A Real Stand-Up Guy
- One Night In Nocturnia
- Cyclops on Safari
- Techno Babel
- The Most Complicated Avatar
- Magtwilla and the Mouse
- The Little Red Avian Alien
- The Carousel of Spirits
- The Best Puppy Ever
- The Otter’s Mermaid
- The Wharf Cat’s Mermaid
- Fox in the Hen House
- Greatest of Them All
- Shreddy and the Christmas Ghost
- Feral Unicorn
- Shreddy and the Silver Egg
- Frankenstein’s Gryphon
- A Pearl for Amelie
- Pegacornus Rex
- Tortoise Who
- Katelynn the Mythic Mouser
- Shreddy and the Dancing Dragon
- FemCloud Inc.
- Memory Sprites
- Chrysalis Party
- Xeno-Nativity
- Cold Tail and the Eyes
- The Mouse Who Was Born a Bear
- Take Them to the Happiness Zoo
- All the Cats of the Rainbow
- Shreddy and the Carnivorous Plant
- Danger in the Lumo-Bay
- Marge the Barge
- Small Smooth Pebble
- Hidden Feelings
- Dealership with the Devil
- Hidden Intentions
- Green Skin Deep
- Birthday
- Many Tiny Feet
- The Rocky Spires of Planet 227
- Sheeperfly’s Lullaby
- High School Dogs
- Am I Furry? — Fandom vs. Genre [non-fiction essay]
- Questor’s Gambit
- The Empty Empire
- True Feast
- Elephantine Daydream
- Winged Folk Only
- Go High
- Heart of the Gas Giant
- Of Cakes and Robots
- The Words in Frosting
- Galaxy Shaker and the Celestial Rainbow Dragon
- One Alien’s Wings
- One Alien’s Wreckage
- A Sense of Clarity
- The Crowds on Crossroads Station
- Clever Hansel 2000
- An Aldebaran Sugar Cookie for Star Shaker
- Thirty Honey Feasts To Go
- Queen Doripauli and the Sproutlings
- Of Starwhals and Spaceships
- Principles Over Profit
- The Best and Worst of Worlds
- Waking Up in the Genie Shop
- Welcome to the Arboretum, Little Robot
- The Emperor’s New Bird
- A Jetpack of a Different Color
- The Night Janitor and Alien Oceans
- Somewhere Over the Ocean
- Inalienable Rights
- Treasure in the Sky
- The Pink Agate
- The Oldest One
- For the Sake of Mushrooms
- Welcome to Ob’glaung
- Crescent Horns and Tall Ears
- Between the Black Holes
- Missing: Friendly Spook
- Anger is Porcupine, Sadness is a Fish
- On the Eve of the Apocalypse
- The Moon Like An Unhatched Egg
- Brain-Dead Baby Jesuses
- Pen Pals with the Tooth Fairy
- Moon Dust
- The Freedom of the Queen
- Crystal and Rainbow
- The Unification of Worlds
- Huckle’s Puddle
- The Spider In Her Lungs
- Sky River
- Treasure Moon
- Katelynn and the Hummingbird
- Black Out In Space
- The Ugly Sapling
- The Blood Portal
- Not All Dogs
- The Fish Kite
- Geese and Gingerbread
- Returning the Lyre
- When the Ghost of the Future Catches Up
- Chestnut Wish
- The City In Your Toaster Oven
- Sandbeard the Pirate Otter
- Rapscallions
- Wing Day
- Hypercrystal Wish
- Veins of Black, Dust of Gold
- Jetpack and Cyborg Wings
- Ecto-Busters One
- When He Stopped Crying
- The Three Laws of Social Robotics
- Twelve Days of Snow on Crossroads Station
- Looking for Sentience
- I Am Mazillion
- The Promise of New Heffe
- Salvador Dalí Smile
- The Fisherman’s Robot
- Fish Heart
- Shiny Red Chassis
- Home Remodeling
- Rumpel’s Gift
- Build-a-Pet
- My Magic, My Spell
- Necessary as a Rose
- Dry Skin
- Sparky
- The Fog Comes On Little Cat Feet
- Catacomb’s Orchestra
- Commander Annie
- The Fire In Her Claws
- Toaster Dragon
- Grizzelka’s Bridegroom
- Diamond Dust Heart
- Speed Questing
- Prototype Dino 1
- Too Cuddly
- Ecto-Cafe
- Fact and Myth
- Skin of Reflection
- Ensign Mewly
- The Christmas Tree Barn
- Paper Horn
- No Catch
- Encounter at Hoppalong
- The Farther One Travels
- Courtship FTL
- The Unicorn Keeper
- The Soul of the Forest
- Galactic Garden
- Heart of an Orca, Grace of a Cat
- In the Roots of the World Tree
- Nawry the Noodlebeast
- Sting Once and Die
- The Were-Raptor and the Seamstress Robot
- Octopus Ex Machina
- On the Difference Between AI Cats and Actual Cats: A Love Story
- When the Universe Listens
- Summer Strawberries
- Dark Father
- The Dancing Swords
- Not Spider-Man and the Seven Angel Donors
- An Otter’s Soul
- Excerpt from Purride and Purrejudice
- Safe Here in Crest City
- Eight Ways
- The Arsenal of Obsolescence
- Where Have All the Mousies Gone
- Crystal Fusion
- The Unshelled
- The Prehistory Zoo
- The Dragon’s Mask
- What the Eyes Covet and the Stomach Craves
- Why You Should Follow Me Back on Social Media
- Heaven is the Best Moment of Your Life, Infinitely Remixed and Played on Loop
- My Sister, the Space Station
- Stranger Than a Swan
- The Dreaming Arm
- Seven Riders and Six Horses
- Jumping Jellyfish and Singing Salmon
- Clever Hansel 2020
- Too Many Jangleberries
- A Robot Joins Robotics Club
- Echoes of an Accelerated Life
- Spoiler Warning
- Flowers Want to Be Free
- Sarah Flowermane and the Unicorn
- Two Roads Diverge
- Cosmic the Pangolin
- Flerble Gerbil was a Hologram
- Furry Fiction: The Squishy Edges and the Heart [non-fiction essay]
- Ekko the Orca
- The Seamstress Robot and the Insect Bride
- Cosmic and Miley
- Orange Sherbet Unlocks a Better Loot Box
- Their Eyes Like Portals
- The Elephant Bride’s Bouquet
- Hide the Honey
- Breathing the Air at Wespirtech
- Summers on Sylverra
- The Girl Who Could Hear the Stars Sing
- The Muddy Unicorn
- Blaze the Fire Monster
- Chrysalis Can Wait
- Jellyfish for Dinner
- Sister Ghost
- Treegadoon
- Frond Farewell
- The Grafting
- The Dragon in My Toe
- Ginger Tea for the Dragon